5 Ways to Give Back to the Community this Christmas Season


1. Organize A Toy Drive -  Take matters into your own hands - set a date, advertise, organize some volunteers, pick a drop off point, and help parents and caregivers who may need a little help this holiday season. 

2. Sponsor a Family for Christmas - Contact local churches and non-profits such as St. Vincent de Paul to inquire about covering the costs for a complete family for their holiday this year. See if you can find some friends to join you even, and cover the cost of presents and meals. (Send us a note if this interests you!)

3. Donate to your local Food bank - At Vinnies we have a bin set up by the front door that is used for your non-perishable food donations. There are numerous ways to help here: set up your own food drive, simply drop off foods, or if you prefer, you could make a monetary donation.

4. Volunteer where you can - Call around and see if your favourite charity is looking for additional volunteers. If you're interested in volunteering at Vinnies or the food pantry, you can call anytime for more information.

5. Collect winter gear - There are some programs out there collecting winter coats for children, but take it one step further - organize a winter gear drive. Collect boots, coats, scarves, mittens, socks, and other winter items. 

These are just a few ways to give back this Christmas season. Can you think of others?